Difficult Times – Helsinki to Turku 01.07.-06.07.2024

i think we like to keep it fresh and lighthearted here on the blog. and it’s true that even the more difficult periods of ecotopia are aften funny or at least make a good story when you look back at them. to quote a good ol’ proverb: bad news make a good story. but let’s not make it sound prettier than it was this time. the first two cycling days were HARD, chaotic and utterly exhausting. one person had a bad bicycle accident in helsinki on the day before we started and looked r o u g h, wounds and…

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finally – the ✨official✨ route for ecotopia 2024!

hi dears, finally, here are the dates for the tour this year! below you can find some info on the projects and events we will be visiting/having. in the schedule you will always have an arrival date and a leaving date. this doesn’t mean you have to join on the arrival date or leave on the leaving date. it means that we as a tour plan to arrive and leave according to this schedule and you can join whenever fits you. :) schedule: —- Pyöräpaja HELSINKI (finland) 26.-30.06. –> preparation of the tour ! 01.07. – official START of the…

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2 days, 180 km, 3 punctures, 1 thunderstorm

After having survived the hippie-festival the biketour was heading Riga. We had 2 days to make the ~170km. Quiet tough, regarding that normally, we do normally between 40 and 80 kilometers per day… But we had a good road and not really any questions about the way. Just all the time along the coast. Never ending pinewoods on both sides of the road, every now and then a tiny village. Just cycling and cycling and cycling, meeting others having their break aside the road or on the beach, passing them, meeting someone else pulling a trailer, having a break and…

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