“Kraft Automotive” (Force Carmotivs) — is written on the barrel out of which the 2016’s Rocketstove is made. It was built in the Radical Allotment Gardens in Warsaw in the first days of the biketour. Built out of Trash that the R.O.D — people had collected. We could use all of their stuff, they had that barrel and some leftover ovenpipes. They hat even some of that alluminium-tape which is made for exactly that purpose. Actually we only had to buy the special insulation material required called Perlite. It is some vulcanic stone material, natural and very light.
So what is a actually a Rocketstove? It is the object that makes it possible to cook anywhere just with some small sticks without making an open fire. It goes quiet fast and works almost everywhere even with slightly wet sticks. The barrel itself works therefore only as insulation. The fire is in the pipe. You feed the fire from the lower hole with the dry sticks, the airflow makes it burn really fast and strong. The to be heatened pot is on the top on some stones or whatever makes it level a bit above the upper hole so air can still flow.
And as it is filled only with the Perlite, it is quiet light. It fits nicely in our big pot and the two go on the one-wheel-trailer. Cycling with this rocket in your back is big fun. People always are amused or confused. What do they carry in that weird modified barrel? Some special force? But its not about cars…
(So far we sill have to figure out, how to make the Rocketstove move the bike and not in the other sense…)
Find a step-by-step guide with pictures on how to build a Rocket Stove in DIY Conspiracy!