Winter Meeting 2022

Hello everyone!

Our date and time for the winter meeting is finally fixed, hurrah!

Everyone is welcome to come to Greene, a little south of Hannover, in Germany from the 17th Feb, Thursday, to the 21st Feb, Monday.

The meeting will be in the Funkenhaus, a nice collective which often hosts seminars like this. The programm is not fixed yet, but some parts will be about which direction to go this Summer, feedback from last year, gender topics around the tour, free time to wonder around, etc. Your welcome anyway, but you are also welcome to send us a mail if you are coming, which days, and if you have special needs (dogs, money issues (we can offer travel-reimbursement for people which need it), etc.). Write to

The adress is Leinestraße 8, 37574 Greene. You can find more infos about the place here: (in German, but with a translator it should work)

Hope to see you in Greene and/or on the Tour this Summer! :D

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