2016 – Ecotopia Biketour

Ho sentim, aquesta entrada es troba disponible únicament en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

  • … is on the road!
  • … started on June 14 in Warsaw, Poland, and is cycling for about 3 months via Brest, Minsk, Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Rīga and Tartu to Tallinn (approximate schedule) (a semi-official pre-Biketour will cycle from Berlin to Warsaw)
  • … will cycle through Belarus, for which most participants will require a visa. Please read the information and prepare the needed documents on time!
  • Get involved by joining the announcement list (see the right hand of this page) or email – 2016 at ecotopiabiketour dot net (PGP)
  • Read our call-out for projects here
  • Check this website or join the mailing list for more updates nearer the time – such as the exact route, how to register to join, and a helpful guide to getting to points on the tour
  • Please register if you want to join!

Get involved in the preparation of Biketour 2016

We are looking for people who can contribute in the following ways:

  • Read how you can help organising here
  • Spread our flyers and posters
  • Find or suggest projects that share our values that we could visit on the way.
  • Help us contacting those projects
  • Translate texts into any other language
  • Help us design flyers and posters
  • Give us information about the countries that we pass that might be useful to our journey

If you want to join the preparation process, write to 2016 at ecotopiabiketour dot net (PGP).

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