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Forgot your password?

Please enter the email address by which you registered your user account. Then press "Send password" and your password will immediately be emailed to you. Make sure to spell your email address correct.

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Inserting news as news editor

To insert news as a news editor, just follow this step by step tutorial. Online help for inserting content can be found here The system described on that page differs a very little bit from our system, but the main technique remains the same.



1. login

First go to and login with the password you got

2. Insert news

  • click on -list- in the left column
  • click on -news- in the center columns
  • click on -create new record- in right column


Click the image to get a better impression




3. choose -news-

Choose -news- as content-element



5. Fill in form

Fill in the selfexplaining form. Important: Uncheck the little hide box to make news visible. In case you want to delete news, check the little hide box, and it will be hidde. Deleting is disabled for security reasons. So you cannot delete something accidently.

After filling in title, subheader etc. click on -Relations-











6. choose category

The last step contains choosing a category. Please do not forget that. If you do not choose category, the news will still be placed in the news list on front page, but not in the related pages on news pages

After having done that, save and close and you are done.

If you want to add links, just copy the link adress in the link-field (including )








7. How to edit existing news?

Just have a look on the picture, everything is explained.

Last updated: Tuesday, April 04/2006